The 40″ Lobster boat kit has worked out very well with many successful builds. Each kit comes with about 35 full length strips, 12 CNC cut forms, in which half of each form will stay in the boat permanently. A two piece keel section with a partial shaft log cut into it. If you do decide to install RC motor and shaft, you will run a long drill bit up through the shaft log to the proper dimension for shaft. All of the cabin structure, decks and other parts CNC cut out of 2.3 mm plywood, very thin. A bundle of small dimension pine for run rails, three lobster pot kits, The other accessories that are shown on the lobster boat picture you will have to make your self, which is more fun. Buoys are simply dowels, shaped, the radar and antennae can be made up of many different little pieces of wood. Imagination is a key here. Decals are available. A heavy MDF strong back with the slots cut to accept each form is now available as an add on. The original method is using 3/4″ x 3/4″ cleats (purchase ours or make your own) set at 3 9/16″ apart on your own board or workbench. Each version works well, but the strong back is easier and all set up ready to use, and can be used over and over.